Max Health X- Collagen - adlinatasya


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Saturday 12 October 2019

Max Health X- Collagen

Hello readers! Today is SATURDAY so it is time for a product review! I believe some of you notice that I have posted an article about MATXI CORP anniversary the other day and during their special event, that have introduced to us their product. well guess what!? today is the post that is related to their product. Today's product is recommended to weight loss and collagen. What I have here is called the:

Energy Enzyme, Collagen, Vitamin - C, Isomalto-oligosaccharide.

This product is formulated with bio-activated collagen peptides, where this is designed to improve SKIN in terms of ELASTICITY and HYDRATION. I SAID IT. HYDRATION GUYS. This collagen is recommended as a long-term use which has been proven to eliminate fine lines and wrinkles (Anti-Aging). Other than that, it will enhance skin complexion: Glowing skin and Fair.  

This collagen also promotes high antioxidants that will increase the prevention towards oxidation and symptoms of aging: fights free radical damage to our skin. This is actually great for our skin since in Malaysia, we are always out and the day is always sunny. 

I believe many of us are keen to detox our body. This product, is known for its detoxification and for a lighter skin properties. It is rich in fiber, Vitamins A, C and K, potassium, protein, calcium, phosphorus and phytonutrients. The effect to our inner body is to help enhance our digestive system

After practicing this collagen, when digestive system is enhances, it will help our skin more radiant and to the girls, as an acne PREVENTION and other inflammatory problems.

As healthy as it sounds, healthy colon will also enables the body to absorb better in terms of nutrients from the food and supplements that we consume. Another benefit from GREENGAGE COLLAGEN, it will help you to lose excess belly fats and aids weight loss. 

Cawamax w6@ Super citrimax @ Glucomannan, Green Coffee Bean Extracts 45%.

As cliche as it sounds, weight loss sachet from Matxi Corp is produced to especially Reduce your appetite in which it makes you feel full, where as a result it will make you eat fever amount of calories. So, no more counting how much calories you had everyday! as simple as this. 

Next, it acts to increase fat burning, all you have to do is continue your days as usual and weight loss sachet will do its job to burn your calories and fats. Nevertheless, all of the nutrients and ingredients are from Natural Vegan Components.

What is 'Glucomannan'?
  • extracted from plant, absorbs water and becomes gel-like. It 'sits' in your gut and promotes a feeling of fullness, helping you eat fewer calories ¹

How 'Glucomannan' Helps? 
  • To slow the absorption of sugar, slows the absorption of cholesterol, helps to control blood sugar levels, helps to reduce cholesterol levels, helps with constipation, helps with weight loss and helps with type-2 diabetes.
Three human studies showed that glucomannan, combined with a healthy diet, can help people lose 9 - 10 pounds (3.6 - 4.5kg) of weight in 5 weeks ².

1 comment:

  1. Smart botol dia. Nampak muda la lepas ni

    Followed here #16


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